
MILLISYNX MISTRESS OF GRACE Haunted Spirit Pendant —Pure Source Energy, Good Fortune, Spreading Beauty, Aura of Healing, Projection of Beneficial Thoughtforms


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Product Description

This listing is for the pendant vessel binding of the spirit:


Amarante is an amazingly powerful and beautiful type of spirit known as a Millisynx. Ever elegant and fascinating beings, the Millisynxes appear very similar to humans aside from their tendency to have great height and additional arms. They are very devoutly benevolent with the entire focus of their existence centered on assisting other beings from other realms. They are always of a solitary nature and have no organized society or social structure of their own. They truly live to serve and derive great joy from pouring out blessings in whatever area each individual is specialized in. Their singular purpose is venturing forth to foreign realms and singling out a particular being to become the benefactor of. They are absolute powerhouses of vast, vibrant energy, tapping directly into Source and allowing it to dance effortlessly through them. The Dance of a Millisynx is a wondrous sight to behold—intricate, stylized movements efficiently yet elegantly weaving energy into beautiful forms and beacons of influence. As their many limbs twirl, thoughtforms of beneficial consciousness patterns and energetic constructs spin forth. These persistent formations of positive energy and intention take up station in key areas of your life as well as remain behind in your wake, spreading wellness throughout the journey you take together. The presence of a Millisynx is nothing short of a constant blessing and energetic maintenance of your life experience.

Amarante appears to the mind’s eye as a 6’4″-tall, six-armed woman with beautiful olive skin, deep gray eyes, and shoulder-length auburn hair that flares out in flowing waves. A wonderfully alluring gentleness, charm, and deeply affectionate warmth radiates from her at every moment. She is one of the sweetest, most unerringly kind and caring individuals you will ever meet. Her soothing tenderness is reflected in every aspect of her being, and nothing gives her more joy than helping others to feel better in any way that she can. She prefers to wear little to no clothing, often appearing with merely a simple swath of fabric used more as a dancing accessory than an actual garment. Golden rings, bangles, and bands adorn her fingers, wrists, and arms, flashing with mesmerizing splendor whenever she loses herself in the grace and beauty of her mystical movements. The sense of freedom and joyful contentment that seems to tangibly waft from her with every motion has a remarkably ameliorating effect. Rather than further antagonizing one’s negative mood by the contrast, Amarante’s essence of peace and gentle happiness truly goes straight to the heart and can improve even the most bitter and downtrodden attitudes in a completely surreptitious way. Her energy brings on relief without any conscious awareness of it happening. Before you know it, you simply feel better.

As a Mistress of Grace, Amarante’s area of specialty is all about living centered, flowing freely, and allowing your highest potential experience to unfold. She is a being of luck and fortune, a pathfinder, and even at times a miracle-worker. As she helps to guide your life experience you will begin finding yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people and having everything simply fall into place. The struggle and strain of typical life will begin to dissolve right out from under your efforts, suddenly clicking you into a sense of total ease and unencumbered unity with all that surrounds you.

Fortune and favor are the lifeblood of a Mistress of Grace, and every step along your path with Amarante will be infused with these benevolent gifts. Your daily interactions with people will likely be the first thing to reveal this shift in energy and alignment. Those that surround us are like mirrors for our energy and consciousness, nearly always picking up on any changes and reflecting that information back to us. As you begin developing the bond with Amarante, you will very quickly begin exhibiting a very positive, exciting, and fulfilling shift and an apparent boost to the core energy of your being.

Your presence will shine brighter and inspire others to be good to you, just for the sake of being good to you. This inner light will manifest in many ways, benefiting all of your relationships as well as attracting new ones of high quality and destined influence. A Mistress of Grace has a special gift in this latter regard, especially. While they do not consciously see all that is yet to be, they do have an uncanny knack for maneuvering you right into the perfect path to make connections that prove incredibly vital down the road. Amarante is the type of being that will help guide you perfectly into the aligned path that makes all those little acquaintances and contacts and even new full-fledged friendships that turn out to be keys to doors you have yet to even encounter in life. The minor meeting that leads to a major referral, the instance of simple kindness that returns one-hundred fold, the new friend who has a cousin whose girlfriend’s uncle is an influential member of the association you would like to join or the company you would like to work for—all those little “chance” meet-ups that make all the difference in the unfolding of our lives—these are very much the domain of a Mistress of Grace.

Attunement to wealth and abundance in all forms is also a prime focus for Amarante and her ilk. While favor, good fortune, and the freedom and ease of a flowing, natural dance through life are wondrous gifts in general, a Mistress of Grace is also very specific and practical when it comes to understanding the way our particular world works. Money is key, and Amarante makes no mistake about that. As you bond with her and attune to her energy, your aura will be infused with an otherworldly magnetism for financial gain. Whether it is through attracting financial opportunities, developing new streams of income, succeeding in business ventures, receiving pay raises and promotions, acquiring money from unexpected sources, or even through enhanced luck with gambling—Amarante’s influence will guide you higher and higher as you take flight and soar through your life experience.

As you take your journey together, simply trust in her power and allow her to guide your steps. Let her Dance take you and sweep you up and away, and every facet of your life will be enriched by Amarante the Millisynx Mistress of Grace.

• Direct Tap Into Pure Source Energy
• Enhanced Vitality and Vigor
• Spreading of Beauty, Grace, and Elegance
• Happiness and Peace of Mind
• Balancing of Chakras
• Aura of Healing and Enrichment
• Projection of Beneficial Thoughtforms
• Financial Energy Attraction
• Elimination of Internal Blockages
• Good Fortune and Favor
• Enhanced Clarity and Focus
• Unfolding of Highest Potential

Vessel Details:
Amarante’s vessel is a beautiful stainless steel pendant in a design featuring six interlocking rings, measuring just under 1 ¾” long. A free silver-plated 20″ snake chain is also included to get you started, but the pendant can be moved to your favorite necklace chain or cord for normal wear.

Via USPS First Class Mail—
• Canada: $7.00
• Worldwide: $10.00
(Make multiple purchases together for combined shipping—no additional charge after the first!)


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